School has taken alot of my time so I havent been able to update... If you want more excuses email me. I currently coding a gmail dispenser... Well I was until I found a bug which I was too lazy to correct and then hours of work went to the garbage bin...
Ok to the point. Usercash is a site which ables you to create links
out of existing links. Now these new links give you money. Every time
someone/you/anyone clicks the link the income is 1/3999 of a dollar. I know
its NOTHING, BUT if you make alot of links, say youve been doing that
alot like 3 links per day for a year. Thats over 1000 links. Exactly.
Anyway. Popular download links can get requests of tens of thousands.
I know. My portable bsplayer has been downloaded like over a 1000 times.
So I wish I had found this site earlier.
Here is a link:
Start earning
You cant get much. But if you love candy, you better start doing this coz
this can give you free candy, pay your candys I mean...
P.S The great thing is for every dude you refer to this site
you get 10% of his profits! So I suggest you get in the game!
EDIT: // Well you can earn alot. Just look at this guy: Link