Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Make links -> Earn cash That's right. Earn cash by making links. This site requires no money from you. Supports paypal.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

[Photoshop] Blog layout-tutorial

I made this tutorial coz I just wanted to make a tutorial... Now I did. Hoorray for that... Now I can sleep and do school work... Click for fullsize Click to make bigger Here is the link to the gradient:

Saturday, October 07, 2006 - Cleaner, no ads

This is mostly for finnish people, so there is no point in talking english now. - Kaikilla järkevillä suomalaisilla on oma sähköposti. Mulla -> Mutta se alotus sivu on aivan **** ruma. Täynnä mainoksii ja muuta paskaa. Joten tein siitä hienomman. -> -